
Gist Capital
Investment Management Company

Gist Capital is an innovative quantitative asset management company and hedge fund delivering superior risk-adjusted returns based on a unique combination of technology and data.


Quantitative macro strategies utilizing various proprietary trading signals.

At Gist Capital, we seek to generate returns by combining rigorous technical as well as fundamental research with mathematical and statistical models to identify and execute on investment opportunities.

Applying sound stewardship practices in managing clients’ capital.

Our approach to Responsible Investment ensures that our interests and values are closely aligned to those of our clients as we owe it to them to actively and responsibly manage their entrusted resources.

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Our investment decisions are based on an in-depth market knowledge.

We have a strong experience from financial markets and we leverage this in our portfolio management through timely analysis. Our decision-making process is constantly evolving and becoming more efficient.

Providing high-quality data feeds and solutions to process big data.

Since 2005, we have built streaming data services covering global financial markets, and thus delivered data feeds and streaming quote services as well as customized web content to our institutional clients.

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